Daejin Kang ئاپەکان

렛츠다이어트 - 다이어트, 비만, 다이어리 1.1.0
Daejin Kang
자주 시도하지만 잘 안되고, 성공해도 조금만 방심하면 다시 원래대로 돌아가는다이어트…보다 건강하고 성공적인 체중감량이 되도록 1주이상의 다이어트계획을 세울 경우,계획을 성공적으로 관리되도록 돕는 계획세우기 기능과,식사일기를 기록할 수 있어 보다 성공적인 다이어트를 할 수 있습니다그 외 다이어트에 필요한 식단, 비만도(BMI), SNS를 통한 친구에게 알리기, 문제점 체크 기능 등의 정보와 기능을제공합니다.[기능설명]다이어트 계획 - 중.장기기간의 다이어트에 편리하도록 전체목표를 세우면, 주간목표를 설정해 줍니다평가하기를 통해 주간목표가 얼마나 잘 실천되고 있는지 점검할 수 있습니다다이어리 - 매일 식사일기와 자유일기를 통해 식사량을 기록하고, 매일운동여부를 체크하여 효과적이고 지속적인 다이어트를 할수 있습니다.내가 세운 다어트계획이 전체기간과 주별로 구분표시되어 한눈에 알아보기 쉽고, 성공적인 다이어트가 되도록도와줍니다.친구에게 알리기 - SNS로 친구에게 다이어트 소식을 알릴 수 있습니다렛츠다이어트는 보다 건강하고 성공적인 다이어트가 되도록 함께 한다는 의미의 앱입니다----개발자 연락처 :메일 : dvdgrd@lycos.co.krOften attempt but welldevised, if a little off guard if successful return back to theoriginal diet as ...If more than one weeks or more to build a healthy and successfulweight loss diet plan that,Plan and build management capabilities help ensure successfulplanning,I can write a diary, you can eat more successful dietOther diets need to diet, body mass index (BMI), tell a friendthrough the SNS, provides information and features such ascheck-ins problems.[Description]Diet plan - if you put the whole of the long-term goal to beconvenient to the diet, will set a weekly goal                Youcan check whether the weekly target practice by assessing howwellDiary - Record your food intake through the free daily meal diaryand journal, and you can check whether daily exercise to beeffective and sustainable diet.           Iestablished the Saba plan is displayed and grouped by week andeasily see at a glance the whole period, to help ensure asuccessful diet.Tell a friend - you can tell the Diet news to friends by SNSLet the diet of the app means that with more healthy andsuccessful diet
Recite the Words 1.9.0
Daejin Kang
Biblical flash memory card This is a kind of flash memory cardwhichhelps you memorize biblical verses effectively! Scripture 60versesare shown in English and Korean. Easily, you can read andmemorizebiblical verses.
 1. It shows bible verses by5subject. 2. You can select screen several part by your choiceex)“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,”-John 3:16
this words on the front are “john 3:16” on the backare“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and onlySon,”like that. . . if you want to see, you can select“Reference/maintext(English)” in Setting screen. Think about thefront and back ofthe flash card. Korean is KRV(Korean RevisedVersion), English isNIV. 
It help you to recite bible words
-Scripture 60 verses showsin thematic
- Provide various screen youcan select in your choice- Easy and comfortable transition betweeneach verses(availableleft and right swap)
- Switching back andforth : Click circlebutton on lower left screen [Tips on using] 1.Searching words- Youcan search for by use searching, If you scrollscreen, you can seeentire words in turn. ex) If you want to searchfor "love" writtenapostle John, search for "love" and "john" to thesearch box. 2.Add check mark - please select word only you want toview pleasesign mark √ if you want to review, please sign mark xdrasticallywhen you cant recite words. Through “Show check Verses”you canshow verses checked mark, please click ⓘ mark beside it onHomeScreen to configure to show check verses. 
3. You can seebothKorean ver. and English ver. [Setting page screen] -English/Korean: ‘/‘ by this standard mark >it is signed Englishon the frontKorean on the back. - key/main text(Korean) : Referenceon thefront (verses) / mark on the back (Korean) - key +hint : Hintgiveseveral words ahead
- … / …(Korean ,English ): ChooselanguageEnglish or Korean you want to.